Saturday, March 15, 2014

Welcome to Cranberry Acre

Hello everyone,and welcome to Cranberry Acre!

I guess a little about the Farm and what we do here would be a nice start.
We currently live in Woodlawn Virginia in a 120 year old farm house, that sits on exactly one acre, on Cranberry Road.

This is where we got the idea to name our little farm "Cranberry Acre". We have now been here for about 6 years, changing the appearance of our one acre and the house it's self. A labor of love or just plan crazy haven't figured that out yet. I have wanted my own farm for years and now we have it! This is a working one acre farm with a garden, chickens, goats, grape vines and an orchard.Yes all on one acre! I have lived on much larger farms in my past, the idea of a one acre farm at first I thought how could this be done? Well a little bit of reading and a whole lot of trial and error, I think we have it. We can our food, freeze and dry it also. Goats are here as pets and as workers( hopefully soon to be milking), chickens, well we have eggs! All in time I will introduce you to the farm and our critters. As for us, I now stay at home since being laid off, which is a blessing because I again have the chance to pursue the dream of a small business and making the farm as efficient as I can! My husband travels back and forth to work, an hour and 20 mins each way to provide us with this opportunity. We are blessed with two wonderful children who you will see now and again in this Blog.

I guess first you should know me, my name is Arwen.
I was raised on a farm in a little Dairy town called Stamford, located up in New York. We made maple syrup, canned our food, and grew a garden. We lived a very simple life, where we knew our neighbors, we looked out for each other and I wouldn't have changed one bit of it. This is where I learned about farming. After High school I moved to Virginia and joined the Army as an Animal Specialist.

This is where I met my husband Wayne, who was also in the Army
We have now been together for 16 years and have two wonderful children,
My son Wyatt

our daughter Ayla!

My daughter and I are Civil War reeanctors. This is a hobby I enjoyed most of my life and I find so much joy in recreating history for people to see and touch.

I make all of our Civil War dresses and love it. This love for history has brought me to my life as we live it, also the hobbies that I do. I hope in this Blog, that I can teach you some things like sewing, canning, setting up gardens, raising animals....and whatever may come up here as we are ever growing.
Life is a teachable moment, I hope you can gain inspiration from this rambling.

This is us at Cranberry Acre. May be more than what you wanted to know about us, but I think that knowing where we come from helps you to know who we are. There is so much more to learn about and I do hope that the information I bring will help others to know that it's easy to do a one acre farm, in this fast pass world.


  1. Love the blog. I can't wait to meet the critters :) You're an amzingly resilient person, I admire your strength. Miss you and Best wishes Sis!

  2. The bestest of everything to all of you!!!!

  3. Thank you guys for the support and love

  4. The blog looks awesome baby!!!! Sooo proud of you. Luv u.------Me.

  5. Oh my gosh. Didn't know you were doing a blog. But it is AWESOME!!! Just like you. Cant wait to see all the things you post. Hopefully, I will learn something, LOL!!! Best of luck and many blessings to all of you. You guys are truly a great family. Love you, Lisa Funk

  6. I absolutely love this family! Love the blog. Im pretty excited to see where this blogs goes! Ya did good chick!
