Thursday, June 26, 2014

Short and quick!

Lyme Disease
Just a quick note for everyone. It has been about 13 to 14 years and I have avoided tick bites, until now. I was bite on Father's Day and about 8 days later I ended up with a nasty infection at the bite sight. This then grew to a red circle and by the second to third day a faint bullseye was appearing as
I took myself to the Dr. This all coming from a bug the size of a grain of pepper.
To early to test but the signs all led to Lyme's, I am now on 2 different antibiotics and a Probiotic. Tired all the time and I have been told to sit on my bum for at least 2 week they would like 3 weeks. I will tell you I am so tired that when I think I can do something and try, I am a wreck for the rest of the day, so I will sit here and catch up on shows on Netflix!
So Please,
if there is any question go get it looked at and tick check. I am the third case in my area in the past month or two.
It scared me so I wanted to share my story with you all that this is no joke and I have talked to people and met people that are still dealing with the affects of this after their treatment because they didn't get treated early enough. I have so hopefully things will be good for me.
As I have all this time on my bum I have updated a few of my pages on the house!


  1. It sounds like you have found a competent doctor to deal with the situation. I am glad for that.
