Was a busy and great weekend!
I don't know about anywhere else this week, but Virginia was just so pretty! We had so much to do on Cranberry Acre, that I was crossing my fingers it would be pretty.
I was happy to see that my Lilac bush did survive the freeze about two weeks ago.
We didn't get as many blooms as we should have, but I will take what we did get. The smell is so amazing!
We have a new set of Sparrows in the Orchard. The male sits on top of the birdhouse on constant guard of his home. He is high enough up he is never bothered by me running around out there. He just sits and chirps at me, waits for the female to stick her head out, then he flies away and comes back to her. Pretty darn cute really.
This same morning the goats were all sorts of weird. They acted as if a stranger had entered the pasture. It's amazing when fear sets in how they act like one big loving family.
I couldn't tell you what they heard or saw, but they had walked around the pasture like this for about a half an hour, then everything went back to normal. Queen Bee Bella, back to bullying everyone in the pasture.
Friday I had gotten a load of hay from a good friend and one of the bales had fallen apart, so we dumped it right over the fence. Talk about a love fest, the goats, chickens and even the Stooges, stayed in one place just playing in the hay.
Mr. Luther just couldn't handle it and was rolling all over the hay. Made me wonder if there is Goat Nip in the world, because it looked like it on Cranberry Acre that day!
Oh and Ms. Bella picked the biggest and tallest pile of hay, of course she is Queen Bee!
Found some treasures this weekend at a yard sale for less than $1.00. These guys will get turned into something pretty soon. I'm thinking birdhouse, we will see.
I have started to have some aches and pains in my hands this past year, so I started keeping my hands busy by knitting. I really hate getting old! I started making these wash clothes( dishcloths), when I sit down at night. It helps my hands to not be so stiff in the morning and I get these neat dishcloths to either sell or use, haven't figured out what I'm going to do yet. I love these for my cast iron pans. They are able to scrub them nicely.
Saturday morning, Ms. Ayla and I got up pretty early to conquer the garden! My potatoes were screaming to be put in the ground and had started to lift the cover of the box I was keeping them in, so we put them in the ground. I had decided to wait longer than usual, due to the weather being so cold, usually I would have gotten things in a lot earlier, but we should be fine.
My little "Minnie Me"!
I decided since we are using up old seed that I would let the kids do a lot of the planting this year. It was so much fun. Bless Ayla's little heart I told her about a hands width away and she sat there measuring each potato with her hand, it was so cute.
Ayla took the reins on covering up the potatoes.
Wyatt finally made it out Saturday and helped us plant the corn. Gardening is not his cup of tea, but he was a trooper!
The fun part for Wyatt was getting to us my cultivator. He sat there and would act like it was a motorcycle and then would proceed in tilling when I gave him the dreaded Mother Look.
Even Ms. Ayla got into doing the tilling. She was so tired at the end of it, but had a blast!
I tried to take a picture of the lay out of our garden this year. This is the key I made for the layout.
Kinda gives you an idea of what is out there in our garden. Now we have not put in our tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, or squash. My tomatoes and peppers are still small starts in the cold frame, so I will probably in the next 2 weeks be putting them out.
Now my squash and cucumbers.....I am trying something new. I will be planting my starts inside and then putting them out in the beginning of June. I have been told by an "Old Timer", that if I do this that squash beetles will already be out looking in May, and will move on by June. We will see and I will share in my findings!
My first female hummingbird! I have had a couple of males flying around, then she showed up, so excited and so weren't the male humming birds. They danced around her forever, it was funny she looked like she was avoiding eye contact, like a girl in a bar.
Of course I sewed and did crafts this week. With the Independence Farmer's Market starting this Friday, I have been in there everyday. This is just one thing I did, please check the "Things for Sale" page to see everything else we made here on Cranberry Acre!
My grapes are looking so pretty this year! From the way the vines look I'm thinking we will have enough for Jam and Juice!
It was a very busy week and even Mr. Ginny, tried to find a place to take a rest from it all, but didn't work.
Thanks for the visit and coffee today! I loved visiting and seeing everything up and going!
ReplyDeleteThanks for coming by, and I can't wait to start working on that Criss Cross apron for you!