Monday, October 27, 2014

Happy Halloween


We love Halloween here on Cranberry Acre. Has been one of our favorite holidays to celebrate. Everyone is getting in the mood for dress up. Even ......

Mr. Luther has taken part in the celebration.I couldn't get him to cackle, but his Mom was laughing.
This past week I was busy with my children's Halloween Costumes. Ayla has decided to be Puss in Boots.

I think she may sleep in it after Halloween. She says it is so fluffy and warm. 
We spent the afternoon on Sunday carving pumpkins, since we have so many to carve.

Wyatt of course picked a rather meaty pumpkin to carve. Not sure of the type of pumpkin it was, but it would have made a great soup! 
 The finished product was a very happy pumpkin and my son's Sumo wrestler!

We have moved the goats to the Winter, Spring field on our one acre farm. They were so happy to get a hold of that pasture, that everyone had tummy aches from eating all day.

My fluffy little boy with his fat belly!

We have started with the winter prep also. This year we decided to try out this heating element in the water bucket. We have been for many years, wrapping the water bucket with a heating element wire then having to put up a huge guard around it so the goats wouldn't eat the wire. It was a pain to put together and then take a part in the Spring, so we are trying this.
Goats still do not know what to make of it but they love the steps and play on them all day. Takes a goat to turn it into a game or a child. 

With putting the goats in the 2nd pasture, we had to come up with a plan on keeping the barn wood we have collected goat poop free until we use it in the spring. Wayne made a fence to try and keep the little monsters off of it. It doesn't keep the chickens out but the goats, at least for  now, are off of it. I believe we have just set up a challenge for our furry little friends and they will also conquer this very soon.

My garden still has Kale in it. We have had a couple of freezes but this hardy plant is still growing. I think Italian sausage soup is on the menu!!!
Not the best picture but last night the moon had this eerie glow to it. I have never been able to master the nighttime shots. I think maybe this Winter I need to sit down and get to know my camera a little more so I can take better shots. It was so pretty.

My girls seem to be into everything lately. This is the Hospital cage that they complain about every time they have to go in it, but when on their own terms, are in it all day!! Kinda like children.
This is Ms. Chocolate. This bird has this look all the time and when you enter the pasture, be prepared to be followed by this bird,with this look. Always angry and grumpy. Plus she hates the cat.

She stays pretty close to the cat and when the cat's feet touch the ground......Chocolate is there to make sure she takes her furry butt out of the pasture.
Crazy bird!

Since the goats are in the winter pasture, Ms. Pico is able to sit under the dryer vent when it is chilly. She couldn't do this at all last year because this was Griffin's spot. She is a happy cat! Soon Ms. Pico will spend her nights in the Laundry room. Just to cold for the old cat to stay in the barn, she is now 12 yeas old, so she comes in for the Winter.

Larry and Curly, what can I say? They hate the cold and are in protest over the temperatures in the past few days. They stay in the coop after all the girls are out and wait for the sun to come through their window. Then it takes probably at least another half an hour or so to even make it outside, but they do complain the whole time about it. Clowns of our barnyard.

I'm starting as of today with adding stuff to my Etsy store and also if you are local, the Independence Farmer's Market web site ( ) for their Winter Market. I will have eggs available for the Winter Market also since the girls are laying now. 
Christmas craft shows are staring and as much as I hate pushing the Holiday, I am having to start with the Christmas sewing. Here is a sneak peek of the Burlap Christmas stockings. I'm loving the Burlap this year, now that I have figured out how to work it.

I leave you today with the girls gathering at their own Watering Hole. I love my girls!

Everyone have a Safe and Happy Halloween !

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