Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Rainy Days

Where's the boat?

It has just been raining buckets here in Virginia. My girls had gotten to the point of looking for the high ground to stay dry. Every time you walk in the yard or pasture, water runs up to the top of the ground.
We will need the rain, but right now the animals have had enough and I think we have too. My Orchard has not been mowed so it looks like we could cut for hay!  

Jojo got so sick of the water she jumps up here to get out of the wet. We have had breaks in the rain but not many. Today we have been lucky and we see sunshine, but they are talking about rain again for the rest of the week. I will never get my garden tilled at this rate.

Mr. Luther hiding from the girls. Everyone is in heat so poor Luther has been loved on by all the girls. He has truly just had enough of them and spent the day hiding.

Well we had a stranger in the barn. I sent the kids out one night to get the eggs and I knew where they were so I could make sure they were checking for them. Kids came back with 3 less eggs then they should have had in the basket. I sent the kids back out and they came back with no eggs. Ayla proceeded to tell me that she saw the eggs but when she had gone to the hayloft and came back down, they were gone. I thought we have a snake and I was okay with that, but we did not. We had a young raccoon, who thought he was getting a free meal, he was not. We caught him and he was released in a wooded area away from chickens! This was our excitement last week.

With all this rain it has given me time to push out more aprons and also

Some new bird feeders, so when you get a chance check out my Etsy store and see what is new, on my page "Things for sale". 

I am hoping that the rain will stop and I will have more on the garden and the re model of the barn.

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