Monday, March 24, 2014

After a long weekend.

What a weekend!
I had a productive weekend away from the farm, which doesn't help Cranberry Acre so, since I'm very behind with a lot of my seed starts. It was a wonderful weekend to start my seeds, but with so much on my plate, I did not get any of that done.
Matthews Farm Living History
I went out after picking up my children to great everyone at the museum, that was coming to the Civil War event. Oh I miss doing this all the time. Part of the problem with having a farm is not having anyone to watch it when you leave to do stuff like this. This event is close enough for me to go back and forth to feed animals, so it wasn't to bad.
We helped some people set up and get settled in Friday night, for anyone who has not been to one of these events we sleep in canvas tents like they did back in the Civil War.

At this event since my husband had to work at night, I did not get to stay out with my Civil War buddies. My son has no joy in dressing up and staying out in a tent, so we went home to return in the morning.
My daughter Ayla just loves doing this and played all day Saturday out in the field with the other kids. It was so beautiful that day almost 72 degrees that day, perfect actually. On Sunday it was a different story, dropped to 39 degrees and started snowing before they could break camp and get out, but that is re enacting!
On Sunday we all celebrated my son, Wyatt's birthday!
I mean everyone,
because what we don't eat , well..... goes to who will eat it, on the farm. Everyone had a great time eating cake and left overs. Only fair to share.
We had a little scare on the Cranberry Acre this weekend, which started Friday. Mr. Luther our wither, has been a sickly goat since he was a kid, we have struggled with this young guy his whole life time. I remember being told when he was 3 months old to go ahead and put him down, he wasn't going to make it out of the spell he was under. I'm a mom and well I couldn't just kill the bugger without trying, in my mind he had a chance lets take it. I'm glad I did. Goats are hard sometimes, but I've never given up on this little guy. On Friday he seemed under the weather, we had dewormed the herd when one of our does presented a worm problem, it had been a week. I had gone to the barn and fed, he ate but something was off with him, checking eyelids noticed he wasn't as pink as he should be, and probably deworming him with the cocktail we used had detached the worms to fast causing some anemia, well with him a little is a lot and I've been syringe feeding him a cocktail, of this yucky iron stuff from the vet and Greek yogurt now for 3 days to get him back on his feet. I caught him out with his family this morning sunning, what a relief.
He actually came to the back door this morning asking to be syringed fed, couldn't say no, I let him have some Greek yogurt. Spoiled I tell you spoiled, and he knows it!
Well the plan today when it thaws out this morning is plant these darn pepper and tomato seeds inside, so I can get them out to the cold frame to sprout! We woke up to 27 degrees this morning, I could just scream. Perfect day for a fire and a blanket....
but not so much a day for starting seeds. Especially when your compost soil is frozen! Yep frozen, I went and hit it with the shovel thinking I could just bring a bucket in and do it in the mud room, nope, it's frozen! So my seeds are in the ready position with the cardboard egg cartons, waiting. 
I had a day planned to show everyone on how to use your egg cartons for seeds starts,I guess we will wait and see if the compost will thaw out this afternoon so I can post it for you tomorrow. I guess I'm off to the sewing room to do some sewing and try to get pictures of all the projects done to post on Etsy!


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