Friday, March 28, 2014

Some good reads!

Last night as we said goodnight
After dinner it was so hard to stay inside. The sun was still out and the wind had actually stopped, so Ayla and I went to walk around and check on the critters.
Ms. Silver was out in the garden late, busy as ever turning the ground looking for bugs!
They love to root around in the old bedding I have been putting out on the garden all Winter, makes a good place to hunt for bugs. With all the clucking she was doing, it drew the attention of the rest, so they came to join in the hunt!
The goats were in bedtime mode and were following us around like ducks, they just wanted to go to bed, but we were out so, something was up, they just couldn't figure it out. Before we had gone in Ayla was lucky to get a goat hug from Ms. Jojo.
The only animal not so happy with our walk was Mr. Bayne, we apparently interrupted a rat hunt. Ears back he left his spot, tail a twitching with his disapproval of it all.
I hadn't checked on my Japanese Magnolia in awhile and kept thinking I had seen buds on it when I was getting into the car, so we rounded out the evening by going up front to see that yes, she is ready to bloom!
It was such a pretty evening, I had to share Cranberry Acre when it gets ready to go to bed. Even the sun that was getting ready to slip behind the mountain was beautiful. I wouldn't change a thing about this place, not one.
Update on the Blog
I have tried to keep the Blog going on an everyday schedule and find it pretty hard to do. I have a lot to say but finding the time to write it down is crazy! I think I am going to go to a Monday, Wednesday, Friday Post schedule, so it is easier to do and gives me a few days to be off the computer and get some other things done! Being new at this, I thought I could do this every day and 2 weeks in I'm not to sure an everyday Post is what I should do. Hope you all can bear with me as I try to find a schedule that works for the farm, oh yes and me :)
Some books that I have and Love!
You will find all this information on the "Barn and it's critters" page also.

Wanted to share some books that I think are a must have for a small farm. Now I’ve been around animals all my life and have been in Veterinary medicine for 13 years, but I couldn’t have done it without the help of these books and probably would have made bigger mistakes.

One of these books is “ The Backyard Homestead: Guide to raising Farm Animals”.

This book is a great guide for what you need, and treas of animals on your farm.

Another book that helps with your layout on an acre or less is , " The Backyard Homestead".
Great Book and my first when I thought about the layout to our one acre farm. A must have I believe before you start!

Now if you are going to try to have a farm with critters, you need to know about what types of miniature livestock is out there. This book helped us decide on what would be more beneficial to our one acre farm and would fit in size, at Cranberry Acre.
Also Stoey's guide to chickens is a great starter book for the feathered critters!
A book which was such a great find at a yardsale, you may be able to find it on ebay or Amazon, I have seen them there. Is "Farmer's Shop Book". It was written in th elate 20's early 30's and is wonderful. The knowledge in this book is amazing and has things you never would have thought of. Everything you thought you needed to buy, well this book tell's you how to make it. I will time to time post some things from this book to help share in it's rich knowledge.
For my garden I have used this one many times for ideas and help, " The New Organic Grower".
I believe this is a staple in many planters personal Libraries.


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