Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I think Spring is trying

The sun was trying to Shine
The morning didn't seem to hopeful, but by this afternoon the sun was peeking from behind the clouds. It was nice to see. I decided to take this time to walk the orchard and see how the trees were doing. My beautiful peach tree made it thru the Winter, it's buds are just at the point of bursting.
I was sad to see that my other peach tree did not make it. Win some, we lose some. It's part of living on a farm. Just sucks spending all that time on them to find it dead. On a better note.....  
Spring here we come!
My apple trees and pear trees all look like they have made it also. Really nice to see the buds on everything.
The birdhouse on my grapevine has become the home of the cutest little bluebirds this year. I've been watching them from my kitchen table, fighting with another pair, but they finally have won their home!
After finding the little devils, they thought they would come along for the afternoon walk. I had to watch where I stepped do to them following so close to me.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the afternoon, Ms. JoJo, laid out in the sun all afternoon. She was so sleepy that when I shook the grain bucket she just laid there. This coming from the goat who will eat a cheeseburger out of your hand.
Ms Sparkles had fallen asleep under her hay bucket. It was a lazy day at the Farm, at least outside. I spent the day in the sewing room catching up on things. I just finished a new handbag and also some flour sack napkin towels. I will have pictures of the new handbags up soon. My loyal friend Ms. Silver walked around with me in the Orchard, she spent the whole walk talking about her day, until she spied a bug near my peach tree. A member of the family you all haven't met is Mr. Bayne. He is a great mouse and rat killer, a loyal friend!


Well it was a great afternoon, but after picking up the kids from school, fog set in and the temp dropped again, just making sure we all new that it wasn't Spring yet!
I have adding some pictures to the "Items I love" page if you want to take a peak! I have also added some instructions for a very cheap hay rack in "Barn and it's critters."